Governmental agencies and port authorities
Groundings, pollution, ship fires – they’re not everyday events and coping with them can place enormous pressure on port administrators, as well as high costs.
TugAdvise has skilled and highly experienced casualty lawyers who can work with you, not only during a crisis but also to help with longer-term strategy, especially if expenses need to be recovered.
We have assisted Governmental Agencies in the aftermath of shipping incidents, whether advising on Inquiries or negotiating a wreck removal contract. Since we act on both sides of the fence we understand the problems from your perspective. Employing very senior and experienced people, we carry clout and are not shy. We will tell people what we think and bring parties together, sensibly.
A key role is to support your legal department, putting our unique expertise and experience at your disposal.
Our flexible, responsive service means that we’re there when you need us, either on the end of the phone or travelling to join your on-site team. You’ll find that our costs are competitive – something very much appreciated by our clients.