Simon Tatham Solicitor/ Master Mariner

Simon Tatham is one of the UK’s most experienced Admiralty solicitors, a partner in Tatham & Co and founder of TugAdvise.

Paul Haworth Solicitor/ Master Mariner

Paul has spent 14 years working in shipping and Admiralty matters. Prior to this Paul was at sea for 16 years with the last 9 years in the offshore sector, including taking command roles in DP classed vessels. Paul qualified as a solicitor in 2009 and advised on LOF and common law salvages around the…

Christofer Laskaris Solicitor/ Master Mariner

Christofer Laskaris is a shipping and insurance lawyer.  His practice centres on London arbitration and English court litigation, and on shipping and yacht transactions. Recent wet shipping matters include: Salvage for owners, charterers or salvors; casualty investigation; collisions; wreck removal; and towage and Supplytime contract issues.    

Michael Howard KC Solicitor/ Master Mariner

Michael Howard KC joined in September 2019 bringing to TugAdvise his enormous experience both as an active Admiralty counsel and as a former Lloyd’s Arbitrator. In addition to salvage and wreck removal he advises on ship sale or construction contracts, charterparties and marine policies. As counsel, he has appeared in the Admiralty Court in disputes…

Ian Perrott Solicitor/ Master Mariner

Ian Perrott is acknowledged as a leading expert in the chartering and operation of offshore vessels.

Ian teaches, presents and writes on the subject, often through BIMCO, and recently was Chairman of the BIMCO drafting committee for SUPPLYTIME 2017. He is now involved in the drafting of a series of specialist activity Annexes for BIMCO that will complement the SUPPLYTIME 2017 form.

Keith Harper Solicitor/ Master Mariner

Keith Harper is Solicitor/ Master Mariner, Consultant and has been involved in shipbuilding, sale and purchase and charterparty disputes and his areas of expertise are in tendering, salvage and towage.